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...And The Children Speak Submission 2024

A Virtual Exhibit Through the Voices of Our Youth

"Kasserian Ingera / How are the children?" 

"Kasserian Ingera" is a traditional greeting of the Maasai people of Africa, rather than “hello” or “how are you?” It translates, "How are the children?

Generally, the reply is "Sepati Ingera," which translates, “The children are well.”


This exchange is meant to convey that the well-being of the upcoming generation is a good measure of the community's well-being. Life is good, and the priorities of protecting the young are in place!

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During a visit to the Savannah African Art Museum, Maasai Chief Joseph ole Tipanko replied when learning that the “And The Children Speak” initiative was inspired by the greeting, "Kasserian Ingera? (How Are The Children?), that is how we great each other in Maasai Land because there is NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT to us than the lives, health and happiness of our children. And we Maasai People of East Africa hope for health and happiness for the children in your lives and all of the children of the world"

About the Exhibit

In consideration of today’s national and international current events saturating our news streams we decided to return and ask, “How are the children?” and let our children tell us via their art.

We believe that art is a voice, a recording of history, and the retelling of a story or experience. It is a scream, it’s a whisper—both entitled to be heard. It is an invitation for discussion.

Additional Resources

You may have your own way of interacting with your children about exposure to current events. We are not professionals in this area but offer a parent recommended link you may want to also consider. They are broken down into age groups:

  Common Sense Media: Explaining the News to Our Kids

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